
Advocating on Your Behalf

Litigation Image

Our litigators bring a seasoned, focused approach to protecting our clients' interests.

For better or worse, litigation of one type or another has become a normal part of business for every company and for most individuals involved in business today. Our experienced litigators realize, however, that litigation does not stand apart from the business interests of our clients. Accordingly, our guiding principle is to provide superior legal representation that augments, and is consistent with, our clients’ business needs and objectives.

Whether it is pursuing litigation, defending against threatened or commenced litigation, or representing our clients as nonparties when third parties are suing each other, the skilled members of our Litigation Practice proactively protect the interests of our clients every day.

News & Insights

The Attorney-Client Privilege: Navigating Modern Concerns Remote Arbitration: Embrace it or Avoid it? Morse Announces 2024 Attorney Elevations Client Alert: Product Pricing May Be Relevant When Federal Agencies Consider Exercising March-in Rights The Basics of Arbitration: ICYMI Webinar Recap Morse Client KPM Analytics Prevails in Trade Secret Misappropriation Trial Morse Announces 2022 Attorney Elevations Morse Obtains Preliminary Injunction on Behalf of Client KPM Analytics What is a Subpoena and How Do I Properly Respond to it? So You’ve Been Served with a Complaint, What Now? Morse Welcomes Litigation Associate Paige Zacharakis COVID-19 Alert: Four-Phase Re-Opening Plan Force Majeure in Light of the Coronavirus Outbreak Morse Wins Appeal on Behalf of Client ITyX Solutions Morse Welcomes Litigation Attorney Scott Magee 5 Issues Regarding Disputes in Small Businesses, Family Businesses, or Close Corporations Attorneys Elevated to Member and Senior Attorney MBBP Celebrates 25th Anniversary Tips for Enforcing Indemnification Provisions Noted Trial Attorney Joins Firm as Chair of Business Litigation Group Should Employers Require that Workplace Disputes Be Arbitrated?