We are pleased to announce PitchBook ranked Morse 6th in Most Active Law Firms in VC deals in New England in its 2024 Global Annual League Tables1. This is Morse’s 6th year in the top ten.
Morse also ranked 14th in Most Active Law Firms in VC deals in the US, as well as 16th in Most Active Law Firms in VC deals globally; moving up in rank for both categories. Morse added an additional ranking for the first time as 23rd in Most Active Law Firms in VC deals in Southern Europe.

In addition, Morse ranked in the following categories:
Investor-Side Representation
14th in US Investors
16th in Investors Globally
Company-Side Representation
17th in US Companies
20th in Companies Globally
Deal Type
14th in Early Stage
17th in Late Stage
Other US Regions
11th in Southeast
13th in Mid-Atlantic
17th in South
20th in Great Lakes
24th in West Coast
9th in Healthcare Devices & Supplies
12th in IT Hardware
12th in Other
15th in Software
16th in Consumer Goods & Services
20th in Commercial Products & Services
23rd in Pharma & Biotech
PitchBook’s league tables are the industry’s most comprehensive and independent coverage of venture capital firm and service provider deal activity. The report provides the most complete information on rapidly changing trends in venture capital transactions.
Morse focuses exclusively on the core legal services that businesses need to succeed, helping businesses of all sizes — from startups to Fortune 1000 companies — in the service areas of corporate, intellectual property, licensing, employment, taxation, and litigation. Morse has a vibrant venture capital practice representing both companies and investors in a range of industries. Additional details can be found in Morse’s 2024 VC Deals Snapshot.
480 Totten Pond Road, 4th Floor
Waltham, MA 02451