
Strategic Alliances: Pot of Gold or Pretty Poison? – Life Sciences Series – Panel 4



April 28, 2017 — Friday
7:30 am — 10:00 am

Morse Waltham Office, 230 Third Avenue, 4th Floor, Waltham, MA, 02451

Strategic Alliances are the lifeblood for many nascent biotech companies. By partnering with Big Pharma, young biotech companies can find validation for their science, discover non-dilutive financing, understand product, market and reimbursement dynamics, and harness external scientific resources without adding personnel. A collaboration with Big Pharma can also attract vital venture capital necessary to finance the company through drug development and early clinical trials. 

Join us on April 28th to hear a panel of business development experts from Big Pharma and Small Biotech explore various research and collaboration structures, from options to license to comprehensive collaboration partnerships. We will discuss various licensing vehicles, the importance of concise fields of use descriptions, sample economics, and conventional transaction structures. Our panel includes the following experts:

John Hession, Partner, Morse

Stan Chalvire, Partner, Morse – @stanchalvire

Michael Garrett, Chief Business Officer, EnBiotix, Inc.

John Gustofson, Sr. Director, AbbVie Ventures

Lizabeth Leveille, Associate Vice President and Head of BD&L Boston Innovation Hub, Merck Research Laboratories