With great pride and no small sense of accomplishment, we celebrate the Firm’s 25th anniversary, a milestone of success attributable to the vision shared by our founding partners: the idea that one could practice law at a sophisticated, complex level and still retain the humanity and collegiality of an ancient and honorable profession. We share this time of celebration with our clients, friends and employees, all so necessary to both our past achievements and to all our future endeavors.
Morse Barnes-Brown Pendleton (MBBP) has been a unique and innovative law firm since its inception. Gambling that their novel approach to the practice of law would provide the foundation for a successful and long-lived venture, two experienced and entrepreneurial lawyers, Richard S. “Chip” Morse, Jr., and Peter N. Barnes-Brown, opened the doors of their new corporate law firm, Morse Barnes-Brown, on June 14, 1993. When they were joined by Lea B. Pendleton in January of 1994, the name of the Firm became the one we know today.
A few months later they hired their first employee, Laurie J. Macdonald, who took on the role of Firm Administrator. January of 1995 brought Charles A. “Chip” Wry and Jeffrey P. Somers, who rounded out The Original Five. During this time, the Firm hired its first intern from Bentley University, a tradition that continues today and has led the interns to be affectionately referred to as “The Bentleys”. Soon, responding to the growing needs of a successful practice and at the invitation and urging of the partners, Mary Beth Kerrigan became the first full time associate; she would later become the first female partner. Jonathan D. Gworek followed in 1996 as the next full time associate, and it says something about the Firm, and those it attracts, that all of these “firsts” are still associated with the Firm!
MBBP quickly began to generate real “buzz” in the legal community. This was a Firm doing things a different way: for example, active and innovative marketing was ingrained in the culture, and there were no secretaries, as the Firm relied on the latest technology to streamline processes and make daily tasks more efficient. Although this approach may seem almost standard today, to practice law at the highest level while relying on technology to keep overhead low was a radical idea in the early nineties, and one which proved to be trend-setting. The results have been a sustained and organic growth for the firm, and an undisputed record of achievement and success.
From the outset, MBBP has been dedicated to developing real partnerships with its clients, addressing each client’s specific challenges and delivering effective results tailored to each client’s needs, often by maximizing new workplace technologies. While cultivating long term relationships with clients, MBBP also created an inviting and productive work environment, encouraging a sense of involvement and teamwork in its employees, guided by the underlying premise that “if you treat every individual with respect and dignity, each will rise to the occasion when necessary”. That combination of client-centric services and an employee-friendly culture was a recipe for natural growth and sensible expansion.
Starting as a basic, “nuts & bolts” corporate firm, client needs and strategic planning dictated an expansion not just of personnel but of practice areas, as well. For example, in 2007, our current Managing Partner, Lisa M. Warren, left Ropes & Gray, and came to MBBP expressly to develop a patent practice, which is now a thriving enterprise. The Firm deliberately expanded its intellectual property capabilities, augmented its services with employment & labor law, and carefully built a stellar litigation practice. MBBP never tried to be all things to all people, but always strove to be the best at what it does.
Not content to simply add people and practices, we’ve also established satellite offices, allowing us to better serve our clients and to continue to attract the highest caliber attorneys. We opened an office at Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) in 2004, and in 2016 we put down roots in Boston proper, providing flexibility and efficiency for both our busy attorneys and our Boston and Cambridge-based clients. MBBP is also a long time member of the by-invitation-only consortium of lawyers called Law Exchange International (LEI), which provides the Firm with the global resources to counsel clients who routinely do business world-wide.
For twenty-five years, MBBP has been forward-looking in its approach to business while adhering to the old-school values of integrity, hard work and excellence in all endeavors. We’ve acted as the compass, guide, partner and counsel to our clients, regardless of their current stage in the business life cycle, and those commitments will never change. Staying true to our roots and our guiding philosophies, we vow to maintain a culture which supports the intellectual curiosity and professional growth of our employees and which demonstrably respects the inherent dignity of each person. We shall continue to pledge to every client a responsive, interested and informed team of attorneys to help meet the challenges inherent in today’s competitive and demanding business climate. Continued success is within view and within reach, as a collaborative effort of friends, clients and employees. Here’s to another twenty-five!