Announcements | 09/11/13

Jonathan Gworek Takes on National Leadership Role as Chair of ABA Private Equity and Venture Capital Committee

Announcements | 09/11/13

At the ABA’s Annual Meeting in San Francisco last month, Jonathan D. Gworek of Morse was named chair of the Business Law Section’s Private Equity & Venture Capital Committee. As a recognized leader in the private equity and venture capital field, Mr. Gworek brings to this new role over 20 years of experience representing emerging companies and venture capital investors.

Mr. Gworek will help shape the strategic agenda for this committee, which has an international membership base of over 2,000, and will oversee the activities of its various subcommittees. He’ll also have the opportunity to collaborate with other Business Law Section committees and chair persons as they pursue common objectives.

“The ABA is the premiere association of lawyers in the United States,” said Gworek, “and has significant reach and resources. The content and support the PEVC Committee provides to its members is unparalleled. I am very excited to have the opportunity to help guide the PEVC Committee forward.”

Mr. Gworek also promised to “build on existing programs, and to bring new initiatives” that will be useful to its members. “We hope to invite an even greater level of participation and involvement,” he concluded.

Prior to becoming chair of the PEVC Committee, Mr. Gworek chaired the PEVC Committee’s Transactional Issues and Documents Subcommittee where he led a series of meetings and discussions on a range of topics, including strategic venture capital investments, venture capital syndicates, international venture investments and the national Venture Capital Association Model Documents. He also spearheaded the Committee’s efforts to create an annual survey of case law that impacts PEVC practice.

The stated mission of the PEVC Committee is to leverage its diverse, active and experienced membership, and its relationship to other committees in the Business Law Section, to provide a singular educational forum for private equity and venture capital practitioners of all experience levels. It affords its membership a unique opportunity to exchange views and information on current and emerging legal issues, trends and developments, and practice considerations of specific relevance to the group.