Alerts | 03/25/20

COVID-19 Alert: DOL Releases New Fact Sheets and FAQs

DOL Releases New Fact Sheets and FAQs for Compliance with Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Alerts | 03/25/20

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released its first wave of new guidance as part of its initiative to help employers implement and comply with the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“the Act”).

The DOL posted a Fact Sheet for Employees, a Fact Sheet for Employers and a Questions and Answers document on a number of compliance aspects of the Act, including how an employer counts the number of their employees to determine coverage; how small businesses can obtain an exemption; how to count hours for part-time employees; and how to calculate the wages employees are entitled to under this law.

The DOL expects to release further guidance on these topics later this week. Additional DOL guidance on COVID-19-related topics, including new workplace posters can be found here.

The Morse Employment Law team is following this, and other matters related to COVID-19 responses, and will continue to report as appropriate.