News & Insights

WISP – Written Information Security Program Massachusetts Wage and Hour Laws: Legal Risks for Businesses in Transition SEC to Funds: Watch the Broker-Dealer Activities Importance of Closing Conditions in Mergers Motivating and Retaining Employees With a Bonus/Carve-Out Plan Equity and Equity-Based Compensation Grants for Limited Liability Companies Tips for Enforcing Indemnification Provisions Permanent Exclusion of Gain on Sales of Qualified Small Business Stock IP Due Diligence: Patentability vs. Patent Infringement Head in the Clouds – A Cloud User’s Contract Checklist High-Level Points Regarding the U.S. Privacy and Data Security Landscape The Evolution of the NVCA Documents Star Wars And Technology: May The Patent Office Be With You… VIDEO: M&A Clips U.S. Introduction to the Hague System Limited Application of Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in Earn-outs Taxation of Earn-out Payments in M&A Transactions Delaware Clarifies Limited Liability of Independent Directors IC-DISCs: Tax Savings for Exporters Forging Successful Strategic Alliances for Life Science Companies