News & Insights

Choice of Entity and State of Incorporation Considerations for Entrepreneurs When Forming a Start-Up Key Considerations When Entering into an M&A Transaction Top 10 Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions Transactions Intellectual Property Considerations of NFTs The Significance of Investor Side Letters in Venture Capital Financings Insights for Early-Stage Companies A Tom Brady Trademark Tome Why Do I Need an Employee Benefits Attorney? Gruyère and Tequila® – Are they Generic, Registerable Trademarks, and/or Just Good Together? Registration Exemptions for Investment Advisers under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 Owner Beware: Fraudulent Trademark Renewal Solicitation Scam Trademark Searching and Clearance: To Search, or Not to Search? Alice – Dumber Than A Doorstop Using An Unregistered Broker Is A Perilous Trap For The Unwary File Your Trademark Applications Sooner Rather Than Later Are you ready for the new reporting obligations under the Corporate Transparency Act? What is a Subpoena and How Do I Properly Respond to it? So You’ve Been Served with a Complaint, What Now? Cancelling a Trademark:
What’s Peloton’s Spin?
In Case You Missed It: Trademark Modernization Act of 2020