Consumer Goods & Services

From Concept to Rollout
and Beyond

Consumer Goods and Services Image

Our seasoned attorneys counsel businesses of all kinds, employing our knowledge to help clients address the many fundamental challenges of building a company, to create “best practice” corporate governance policies, to preserve and protect intellectual property, to choose the most advantageous tax strategies, to ensure compliance with evolving privacy and data security regulations, and to plan programs focused on the rights and obligations of both employers and employees.

We recognize that members of the retail and professional services industries are faced with myriad and complex daily challenges to their business models, including privacy and security compliance, organic and acquisitive growth issues, domestic and international competition, trademark and other intellectual property infringements, and employment difficulties.

Our team of talented and experienced attorneys works with our clients in these fields to address and solve such challenges, providing guidance on everything from the initial product or service concept to the successful product rollout and on through the expansion and stable governance of an established, successful business. We advise our clients on addressing privacy concerns, growing through acquisitions and significant customer contracts, protecting intellectual property, and handling employment matters. We specifically help consumer products companies with securing design and utility patents, as well as trademark registrations for valuable consumer product brands, and enforcement against infringers of such intellectual property. Our clients include nationally-recognized brands in the software, transportation, food and beverage, cosmetics, publishing sectors, and various professional services.


  • A well-known marine transportation company based in the Northeastern United States.
  • An international retailer of antivirus and other software security solutions.
  • A national bakery concept with 1,880 company-owned and franchise operated bakery-café locations.


  • Serve as outside general counsel to Reinauer Transportation Companies, LLC, and its affiliates, a nationally recognized maritime leader in petroleum and chemical transportation, ship building, and maritime infrastructure construction.
  • Serve as outside general counsel to Kaspersky Lab, Inc., a leading antivirus software and internet security solution for homes and businesses.
  • Represented Elsevier Inc., a world-leading publisher of scientific, technical, and medical information products and services in the stock purchase of MEDai Inc., a predictive analytics company and the purchase of assets from William Andrew Inc., a publishing company.

News & Insights

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