we go the distance



While The Additive Advantage team is developing novel technologies for industries such as pharmaceuticals, packaging, and humanitarian efforts, Morse manages the company's patent, licensing, and other legal needs.

Technology for the Greater Good from The Additive Advantage

Wish there were an easier way to take your daily medication, without the fear of confusing doses, or even swallowing a pill? Want to feel safer, knowing on sight whether food and other consumables have been contaminated or tampered with? Fortunately, Morse client The Additive Advantage has leveraged its innovative technology to find the solutions to these problems and many more. The company, founded in 2006, developed the technology to microencapsulate, print and optimally deliver substances in food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and countless other applications. The company’s technology can even be used in humanitarian endeavors: its single serving water purification cup can help to solve the problem of potable drinking water in underdeveloped areas of the world, effectively and safely cleaning water which may contain contaminants.

Morse has been fortunate to be involved with The Additive Advantage since the beginning. Our attorneys drafted and filed the company’s first patent application globally; helped the company license its technology initially to a well-known consumer brand company; negotiated an agreement to acquire a platform-extending patent from a Fortune 500 company; and assisted the company in spinning off a company to commercialize one of its novel product platforms. A recent team visit to the U.S. Patent Office, including Morse attorneys and company engineers and business people, for meetings with several patent examiners, produced immediate positive results. In addition to handling the company’s intellectual property work, Morse attorneys have been involved with the company’s corporate work since the early days as well, assisting with the company’s formation and equity arrangements. We continue to assist The Additive Advantage with all of its legal needs, and we are confident that they will continue solving technology problems before we even realize we have them!