
Cross-Atlantic Collaborations: Strategies & Tactics



June 5, 2015 — Friday
7:30 am — 10:30 am

CIC - Cambridge Innovation Center, 1 Broadway, Havana Room, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA, 02142

Join us for an animated session on Cross-Atlantic Collaborations: Strategies and Tactics. Mark your calendar for a lively, topical and interactive session on the creation and structuring of international licensing and collaboration deals in Europe, avoiding the tax traps and structuring pitfalls.

This program is designed for smaller biotech and other emerging companies exploring the fertile frontiers of collaborations Across the Pond. Experts from two Irish firms will offer a spirited discussion, as only the Irish can do, about setting up the proper tax structures for doing deals in Europe, with particular focus on U.S. and foreign tax implications. A session offering concise and useful knowledge, succinctly delivered, with plenty of time for networking with your industry peers.

Hosted by Morse
and endorsed by MassBio. 

Moderated by:  
Peter Barnes-Brown, Partner, Morse (and former chairman of LawExchange International)
Aidan Byrne, Chartered Tax Adviser, Partner, Baker Tilly Ryan Glennon
Andreas McConnell, Partner, PhilipLee
John Hession, Partner, Morse, Barnes-Brown & Pendleton