
Navigating the Dynamic Software-as-a-Service Market

With significant experience counseling businesses in all aspects of the software and technology industries, our attorneys bring deep market awareness and broad-based insight to our clients not only as highly skilled legal advisors but as savvy business advisors as well.

Our work with software-as-a-service (SaaS) and on-premise software providers spans our corporate and intellectual property practices, as well as our licensing and privacy specialties. A deep understanding of the day-to-day challenges innovative businesses encounter allows us to partner with clients and assist on a range of matters.

Some of the ways Morse typically supports clients in the SaaS space include:

  • Entity formation and governance and general corporate representation
  • Intellectual property protection and advice
  • Contract negotiation
  • Analysis of open-source licenses and related issues
  • Data protection compliance
  • Risk assessment and liability minimization in going to market
  • Mergers & acquisitions of businesses in the SaaS space
  • SaaS and XaaS contracts (including warranties, indemnities, liabilities, and remedies)